法國歌手 Marie Foessel
2024/09/06(五)晚上 19:10
法國歌手Marie Foessel 與義大利鋼琴家Alessandro Collina 難得來台,搭配低音提琴家徐崇育及德國爵士鼓手Pablo Liebhaber,呈現歐陸經典的獨特魅力!
Marie Foessel將為您帶來多首歐陸爵士的經典曲目,展現她對自由與愛的深刻理解,輕快的節奏和迷人的旋律,帶您漫步在巴黎的藍天下,感受那份難以言喻的自由與喜悅!
Total Body Fitness
Marie Foessel
Marie is an extraordinary performer who loves words as much as she loves music.In 2008, she won an acting prize at the Théâtre de l'Odéon in Marseille. A multi-talented artist, she is not only an actress and singer, but also a composer. Inspired by the poetry of Fernando Pessoa, in 2015 she composed and recorded ‘Couronnez-moi’, a jazz album in French and Portuguese, with Bruno Angelini on piano and Xavier Desandre Navarre on drums (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_85gtjXrYY).
She loves singing in her mother tongue, French, and as a jazz singer she paid tribute to French composer Michel Legrand in 2006.
Her main musical experience is in a cappella music. Since 2016, she has been performing with the group Les Grandes Gueules A Capella. Alongside them, she has paid tribute to Henri Salvador and Charles Baudelaire in two vocal shows still performed today.
Because Marie loves playing with the musicality of Latin languages, she is also the lead singer of the group Le Corou de Berra, where she sings in Italian and in the Nice dialect.
With this band, she recorded 3 albums : ‘Miedjou’ (which received the ‘Choc’ mention from Le Monde de la Musique), 'Calena' (Christmas songs from The french Southern Alps) and 'Maschi, femine, cantante' (a tribute to the Italian singer Fabrizio De André).
Alessandro Collina
Alessandro Collina graduated in classical piano at the La Spezia conservatory. He attended numerous stages on improvisation and enrolled in the jazz piano class at the Nice Conservatory in France. In 2006, 2007 and 2008 he is part of the quartet that accompanies Paul Jeffrey in Europe and in 2009 the band records the cd “We see” Monk tribute, in 2009 he starts collaborating with Andy Gravish and Mike Campagna, creating the 5 AM project, always in 2009 he was invited by the brothers Louis and Philippe Petrucciani to play on the tenth anniversary of the death of Michel Petrucciani, a very long tour with many stops in the best Italian festivals. Starting from 2010 he creates the On Air brand together with Marc Peillon and Rodolfo Cervetto, the Egea label produces 3 albums with different guests: Fabrizio Bosso (Michel on air – reaches position 28 in the American chart), Max Ionata (Rome to Paris) , Mattia Cigalini (Alto Monk). In 2011 he was part of Grant Stewart’s Italian quartet, since 2014 he has been playing and developing projects with Marco Vezzoso.
Double Bass
低音提琴演奏暨作曲家、策展人、廣播人、爵士教育推廣者。成長於高雄,旅居紐約八年,畢業於 NYU 紐約大學爵士演奏碩士。演奏風格擅長爵士與非洲古巴音樂,活躍於國內外各大音樂節現場,曾受邀於馬德里爵士音樂節、紐奧良 NOLA River 音樂節、釜山爵士音樂節、紐約和北京 Blue Note、臺北爵士音樂節、臺中爵士音樂節、兩廳院夏日爵士音樂節等地演出,並成為美國紐奧良爵士博物館首次邀演之臺灣音樂家,巡迴至芝加哥、紐約、康乃狄克州。近年亦透過線上演出呈現臺灣爵士樂世界觀,包括 UNESCO 聯合國教科文組織「國際爵士日」線上馬拉松、羅德島 FirstWorks 藝術節,並參與愛丁堡爵士及藍調音樂節「世界爵士」線上單元,為該音樂節唯一入選之亞洲樂團。自2021年受衛武營國家藝術文化中心之邀,策劃演出世界首演新作《大河精神—給愛河與密西西比河的爵士組曲》、2023新年音樂會《摩城之聲 搖滾古巴》。
以首張爵士創作專輯《Homeland》獲第5屆金音創作獎「年度最佳爵士專輯」,以及第26屆金曲獎三項提名,包括「演奏類最佳專輯」、「演奏類最佳專輯製作人」、「演奏類最佳作曲人」。並獲由新加坡、馬來西亞、台灣三地音樂傳媒評選之第八屆 Freshmusic Awards「年度最佳演奏專輯」。作曲〈夢想家的藍調〉獲第9屆金音創作獎「年度最佳爵士單曲」;專輯《In Our Blood古巴吶喊》獲美國全球音樂獎(Global Music Awards)銀獎,並以〈The Era大時代〉成為ISC國際作曲大賽(International Songwriting Competition)決選作品。
除現場演出外,深感爵士樂文化和原創作品之重要,致力於爵士樂與非洲古巴音樂文化之推廣、教育和國際連結,亦擔任「Clave de Cuba—絕對古巴」藝術節音樂總監、兩廳院夏日爵士策展人、國家兩廳院暨臺中歌劇院評鑑委員等。現任「Soy La Ley 古巴爵士樂團」、「Jazz Supreme 爵士樂團」兩團團長,並於臺藝大任教,指導與創立「臺藝大爵士與非洲古巴大樂團」。曾擔任臺北爵士音樂節主持人。其主持之廣播節目《Jazz Supreme 爵士.無所不在》獲2020年金鐘獎「最佳類型音樂節目」、「最佳類型音樂節目主持人」。
2023年10月發行最新專輯《大河精神—給愛河與密西西比河的爵士組曲》,獲美國爵士樂權威媒體《DownBeat》四顆星樂評推薦,並以「編輯嚴選 “Editors' Picks”」入選為該雜誌「2023 年度推薦專輯」。2024年春天,該專輯更榮獲由國際獎項協會(International Awards Associate/ IAA)主辦之LIT Music Awards五項金獎肯定,包括「最佳專輯」、「最佳爵士音樂」、「最佳拉丁音樂」、「最佳現場演出」、「最佳原創作曲」。
個人網站: www.vincenthsujazz.com
Pablo Liebhaber
Pablo Liebhaber,李山谷,德國鼓手/打擊樂手/表演者/作曲人和教師。2015年在HfM Würzburg德國烏茲堡音樂學院獲得爵士打擊樂學士學位,2019 年在 Folkwang UdK Essen福克旺藝術大學獲得即興藝術家碩士學位。他活躍於爵士樂,即興音樂,獨奏表演,舞蹈和音樂間的跨領域表演,以及德國城市劇院的戲劇音樂製作。
weekend jazz night
Yuppy jazz night
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